Thursday, March 12, 2009

Riding Dirty

you can catch me riding dirty, downtown 5-6 times a week. It's pretty bad arce, especially now that I have started burning cd's for my instructor.

I really started Spinning, regularly, probably a month maybe 3 weeks ago. It has been great. I just finished a 2 hour spin on Saturday, and it makes me feel somewhat like an athlete again just because of the pace you can go at and now after doing it consistently for a while I don't lose my breathe as easily after going "up hill" or doing "sprints". Its a fun class, and there is usually some good looking females in there. What females, there is a good looking dude in their named Ian for you too. Geez, no need to get testy.

Anyway, I weighed in at 195 this morning. January 4 I was at 213. So BAM!!!!


Rebs are playing UK in basketball right now. Close game going into the half. Rebel Baseball travels to Nashville this weekend for the SEC opener vs Vandy. I will be in Nashville for the series. I love that city. I am for sure hitting up some SATCO. For those that don't know, well you will just have to go to Nashville to find out.

Rebel football may not have to hang its head down low if they manage to pull off Colorado for our September 12 game. I would love to have a home and home with them. Boulder is bad ass.

Yoccona has been rumored to have burned down last night, that sucks because it was awesome. However, this might provide for an opportunity to expand and or move to a new facility. Which in my opinion wouldn't be bad, sure its all fine and dandy to bring your own wine, wait an hour for a table and drive 10 miles out in the county to go out there. But wouldn't it be much better to do it in Oxford, still brown bag it, just bring it in closer. I hope they do, kinda like the mansion but with way better food. They already have a client base, so it's not like they wouldn't come.

Question for the audience. How the hell was it 83 degrees tuesday night, and today its freaking snowing and sleeting.

Anyway, Nashville this weekend. Looking forward to it. Also debating on going home to Houston for the Shell Houston Open, or the following weekend which is Easter. We have home series both weekends so I would either miss UK or USC. I went to the Open last year, sat 18th Green Skybox. It was awesome. All the big boys were there except Tiger. Same thing this year......Hmmmmmmmmm....

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