Friday, February 27, 2009


So I got an e-mail chain letter with this on it, and normally I would send it straight to the trash. BUT due to this Friday winding down WAY-WAY-WAY to slow, you will suffer with me and read this. Or not.

1. Do you like blue cheese? Dressing, yes, with wings. Regular, ahhh na. Pass

2. Do you own a gun? Yes,I am a billy badass country boy. SIKE. No, but i really do.

3. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Depends on the occasion.....hmmm

4. What do you think of hot dogs? Freaking James Coney Island is amazing.

5. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf. Gotta love it.

6. Favorite thing to drink in the morning? OJ baby.

7. Can you do pushups? Hell ya, 50 in a row. And counting --BOYAH.

8. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My watch and my belly button ring.

9. Favorite hobby? Facebooking, just kidding. Cooking.

10. Do you have A.D.D.? wait what was the question?

11. What's one trait you hate about yourself? To nice.

12. Middle name? Nunya.

13. Name your thoughts at this exact moment. -- 5:00 hurry up. I need a drink. Gotta Pee.....

14. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, H20 & Fruit Punch

15. Current worry? making that paper booboo.

16. Current hate? Memphis Tigers, LSU Tigers, and pickels.

17. Favorite place to be? Oxford,in the grove. Rodeo in Houston.

18. How did you bring in the New Year? Tore Dallas a new anus.

19. Where would you like to go? Right now? To the bathroom, then to my car and then to a watering hole.

20. Name three people who might complete this: Not one person, in fact I will be made fun of probably...but I don't care. I do what I do, when I do it.

21. Do you own slippers? Indeed, leather ones, with a silk robe.

22. What shirt are you wearing? Brooks Brothers

23. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets ? With a chick I would be willing to sleep on rocks.

24. Can you whistle? yes

25. Favorite color? Red and Blue!

26. Would you be a pirate? Already have been one buddy. Cruise 07, believe it.

27. Song you sing in the am? My neck, my back, lick my .......

28. Favorite Girl's Name: Phantasia.

29. Favorite boy's name: T-Pain

30. What's in your pocket right now? Do you really wanna know? Email me and we can cyber....

31. Last thing that made you laugh? Hitting chase with the door this morning causing him to wake up from being passed out in the kitchen. Awesome.

32. What vehicle do you drive? Fratwagon.

33. What is the worst injury you've had? A broken heart....awwww how sad. No I have broken my arms a total of 3 times and 2 surgeries. BAM

34. Do you love where you live? Downtown Memphis Baby, whoop whoop. Home of 3-6 MAFIA, Yo Gotti and Justin Timberlake playas.

35. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4.

36. Who is your loudest friend? Cass hands down, his mouth is a megaphone.

37. Do you have any pets? A pocket snake, non venomous though, so don't be scared ladies.

38. Does someone have a crush on you? We can all dream right.....

39. Your favorite book? Facebook. Preppy Handbook. Everyone Poops.

40. Do you collect anything? Girls numbers, needless to say my collection is small but if anyone of you would like to contribute to my collection. Feel Free...

41. Favorite Sports Team? THE Ole Miss Rebels and the 13-14 Germantown Yankees baseball team I help coach.

42. What song would be played as your walk out song if you were a pro athlete? Dixie or I'm so sexy or maybe rick roll......toughy there.

Well I am not headed to Oxford anymore, weather rained on my parade. Literally, and maybe some snow. So I am gonna be chillaxin in the M-town this weekend. TTYL OMG IDK MY BFF JILL.

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